You should not delay seeking advice even if you haven't got all the information listed below. In some cases there may be only a limited time in which to take certain action.
When you visit a Citizens Advice Bureau for advice it is important that the adviser who deals with your problem has as much information about your case as possible. It may take longer to deal with your case if you cannot provide the relevant information.
This page gives you an idea of the kind of information it's useful to bring with you. If you haven't got everything that's shown, don't worry - bring as much as you can find.
Table of contents
- Debt / money problems
- Housing problems
- Employment problems
- Consumer problems
- Immigration / asylum problems
- Family and personal issues
- Welfare benefit issues
- Other problems
Debt/money problems
- Details of your income
- Details of all those that you owe money to (creditors)
- Copy of original agreements
- Copy of any court papers
- Proof of income
- Wage slips/benefit/tax credit details
- Details of household expenditure/bills (food, utilities, etc)
- Copy of the latest correspondence you have received
Housing problems
- Tenancy agreement/letters from your landlord (for rented accommodation)
- Mortgage details (if applicable)
- Title deeds (for owner occupiers)
- Proof of income
- Wage slips/benefit/tax credit details
Employment problems
- Employment contract
- Details of any disciplinary/grievance/dismissal issues
- Any recent letters from employers
- Staff handbook
- Copy of employment tribunal applications (if relevant)
- Proof of income
- Wage Slips/benefit/tax credit details
Consumer problems
- Full details of the goods or services causing the problem
- Copy of any contracts/credit agreements
- Any recent letters in connection with the problem
- Proof of purchase
- Proof of income
- Wage slips/benefit/tax credit details
Immigration/asylum problems
- All letters from Home Office
- Passport (if applicable), details of any visas or permits
- Proof of income/NASS support
- Wage slips/benefit/tax/credit details
Family and personal issues
- Any paperwork/letters relating to the issue
- Copy of original agreements
- Proof of income
- Wage Slips/benefit/tax credit details
- Copy of divorce papers
- Court documents or legal agreements
Welfare benefit issues
- National Insurance number
- All letters from government departments, such as the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) e.g. Jobcentre Plus, Pension Service, or the local authority
- Decision letters that you are not happy with or wish to challenge – this is essential
- Proof of income: wage slips/benefit/tax credit/details
- Bank statement (latest copy)
- Details of any savings
- Tenancy agreement/mortgage details
Welfare benefit check
If you would like us to check that you are receiving the benefits and tax credits to which you are entitled, please bring the following information for everyone living in your home.
- Dates of birth
- Employment status (including whether employed or self employed)
- Number of hours worked
- Gross income from employment for last tax year – April 6 to April 5 (A P60 form will provide this, or if self employed, last year’s accounts)
- Gross income for this year. Payslip is preferred. Estimate if self employed
- If you are receiving benefits at present, please bring all the benefit award letters
- Child care costs. Please bring something to show that the carer is fully approved along with how much you pay them
- Investment income. Details of investments and latest interest payments. Bank statements may be the best way to show this
- Rental agreement or current mortgage repayment
- Council tax bill
Other problems
Any paperwork/letters/other correspondence relating to the issue.
Stay in touch
Call our bureau directly
0141 881 2032/3660
Copyright Citizens Advice Scotland © 2025
East Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau
Charity No. SC013474 Registered at: 214-218 Main Street Barrhead G78 1SN
East Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau
Company No. SC175064
Registered at: 214-218 Main Street Glasgow G78 1SN
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority; FRN: 617454
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